


Violence against Queensland bus drivers increasing

Violence against Queensland bus drivers is on the rise, with the State government failing to take significant action, a new report from the McKell Institute has found.
Despite a 2017 government commissioned report finding an increase in violence, not enough has been done.
In 2018 the government spent millions of dollars on protective measures, however there is no evidence to suggest action taken by the state has resulted in a safer workplace for bus drivers as acts of violence have increased.
Data reveals that more Brisbane bus drivers have been exposed to physical and psychological violence, than ever before.
Incidents of passengers berating drivers with derogatory remarks, obscene language and rude gestures has risen by 9% between 2020/21 to 21/22 while offences involving object throwing has risen by an extraordinary 85%
Drivers have also reported being spat on during the COVID-19 Pandemic, causing devastating psychological impacts.
McKell Institute Queensland Executive Director Sarah Mawhinney said the report was an urgent reminder to the state government that action is required.
“This report shows the State Government has not done enough to protect our state’s transport worker who are essential to the running of our state especially as they have worked so tirelessly in dangerous conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic” Ms Mawhinney said.
“Our state’s bus drivers deserve to be able to go to workplaces free from violence and intimidation like all other workers. The methods in which our state’s bus drivers have been terrorised have reached an alarming level while there has been limited funding efforts by the State Government to meet this growing challenge.”
“We need the state government to take urgent action now.”
Photo: NightHawk Shoots/Unsplash